
Verses In Motion – Digital Poetry Collection –


“Curved words, inclinations… Impacts!” © 2012 LauraLME –

VIM Media Publications and Digital Productions – Poetry by LauraLME, Photography by Anna Simi 

Click here to preview and buy this EBook on Amazon Kindle   And/Or Click here to view and buy on iTunes 


Readers’ Praise for LauraLME

“I was delighted with this walk through the smooth blue veins and pulsing red arteries of Laura LME’s poetry in her new digital poetry photo book, Verses in Motion. As the evocative cover photo promises with its billowing scarlet drapes, here she will lead you to the windows and doors to to be opened along the corridors of your own heart. Poetry at its finest finds our hidden inner places, opens the locks we have installed so carefully, and removes the bars. Laura LME’s new collaboration with the deeply symbolic images of Anna Simi beautifully and gently transport the reader here, not away, but inward.”

– J.J. Brown – Author, Novelist, Poet, Scientist –

“The tapestries, visuals and emotions that Laura LME captures in this collection are timeless. A must read for any lover of words!”

– Andrew Scott, Author of “Snake With A Flower” Poetry Collection –

“ Laura’s words are diaphanous, more lyrical than metaphorical, as if they were the narration behind a dream. It is this musical and cinematic quality – accentuated by Anna Simi’s urban and natural landscapes – that underlies the ability of her verses to move the reader. The poetry here belongs to no symbolic or imagist school, there are no didactic allusions or misguided pedantry – only pure expressionism, heartfelt and true.”

Samuel Peralta – Author, Physicist, Poet –

“This is such a wonderful concept for a poetry book, I believe that it will reach out and grab the imagination of all ages, especially the younger generations. Beginning with the breathtaking cover, where the verses inside seem to be calling out for you to enter. The vibrant imagery compliments the words perfectly, everything about it is exciting and fresh.
Laura’s poems for me, melt off the pages and rest in the heart”

Ruth Johnston – Author, Poet –


EBook Trailer Part 2 

EBook Trailer Part 1 

“Verses In Motion” ≈ waves ≈ of poetry – 

VIM Media Digital Publishing  – All Rights Reserved 

Poetry by Laura Lme 

Photography by Anna Simi

Verses In Motion go… DIGITAL!!!


A b s o l u t e ° G r a v  i t y  and PoeticBeatz


If you wish to buy a copy of my first book (here below)

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“Se Guardo dentro – If I look inside”

Preface ≈ Prefazione

By Giuseppe Palladino


I walk but I don’t know where I’m going.

I slip, stumble and draw myself up.


And I keep on walking but I don’t know where I am going.


These verses allude to a situation of deep bewilderment and they open

Laura Mercurio Ebohon’s book. The author tells us immediately that she has lost

her way, she has fallen… but she also shows us the strength inside to get up and

eventually loose the way again, because maybe this is the essence of living.

If I look inside, like the title suggests, is a collection of  poems,

written in a very intimate dimension: they are filled with words caressing the

pages like a dancing vortex of  sensations and emotions, that emerge from

her memory, uprooted from any metrical conditioning, free from any

rhetorical oppression. In this magic space drawn by the poetic word, reality does

not loom over, it lives in a parallel dimension.

Fundamental theme of  this collection is love, no doubt: rarely this

sentiment is balsam for the soul, often love is source of  torment, pain, despair,

because it is lived in extreme terms, love without limit, burning passion:

“From the impetuous waters of  the past / Your face / Rises / Tormenting

my nights” (Your Face).

It is an ongoing war searching for the heat to warm up the lover’s soul,

looking for that road to enter: “your heart /Like a house abandoned

by time” (Your Heart). But the attempts seem in vain, and we end up

“Shattered on the ephemeral pieces / Of  a dream lost in the abyss of  reality” (Abyss) or reciting a love monologue filled with “I wish”

The “other” love described in this collection is the love for her family,

represented as supreme form of  affection. The lyrics written for her father

and mother “My saviour in despair” (Mamma), both loved unconditionally, are between the most moving verses of  this collection: the author is now

an adult, a woman, she has to deal with adversities that often push her to

the bottom of  the well and in this fight, the parents shine of  a divine guid-

ing light in her heart and mind.

The infinite love for her child is also source of  immense serenity:

In your face, my life.

In your little hand light wakes,

In the tender kisses my peace.

In your arms my shelter!


(My Child)

Pain also seems to be a protagonist, inseparable companion of  this

journey. In an underhand way, it presents itself  in many shapes to consume

us, it disguises itself  under a fake mask of  illusions to up-end us:

Pain has no name

No time or space.

It creeps, penetrates, slips inside.



Sometimes pain becomes extreme sensibility, which the author describes

as a trouble more than a gift: it makes us “feel” endlessly and it does not

allow us to build up the “Precious jewel-case of  indifference, unassailable

fortress, / necessary weapon” (Indifference) It would be so much easier

if  sometimes  we could just shelter behind that “Indifference” and not

“feel” too much anymore.

I was not born to live

But to feel

Listening to pain

like it was music,

Melody that stays within.


(Invisible World)

Laura Mercurio Ebohon’s poetry has also a very strong evocative component: a place, a far away sound or a small object, apparently not important, suddenly enter the visual camp and take the mind towards other shores never forgotten. It could be a bench, an old garden, a birthday card or a photograph, every object has the effect of  dipping the soul into that thoughtfulness of  being sad called melancholy.

The author closes this collection with an extremely hermetic sequence of

lyrics: after going through a painful journey, through memories and lost affections, Laura looks “Beyond” life searching for the ultimate sense of  her suffering, a universal sign of  redemption:


Beyond life, I live,

I hear You singing.

Your embrace supports us

Your spirit guides us.



Cammino ma non so dove vado.

Scivolo, sbando e mi raddrizzo


E continuo a camminare ma non so dove andare.


Con questi versi che alludono a una situazione di profondo smarri-

mento interno, si apre la silloge di Laura Mercurio Ebohon. L’autrice ci

racconta immediatamente di essersi persa ma, malgrado tutto, trova dentro

di sé ancora la forza per rimettersi in piedi e sbagliare strada di nuovo,

perché forse è proprio questo il senso del vivere.

Se guardo dentro, come il titolo stesso ci suggerisce, è una raccolta

poetica che vive in una dimensione assolutamente intimistica: la pagina si

riempie di parole che accarezzano docilmente il foglio, un vortice danzante

di sensazioni, ricordi, talvolta angosce, che sgorgano inarrestabili dalla me-

moria, del tutto avulse da ogni tipo di condizionamento metrico, libere da

qualsivoglia oppressione retorica. In questo spazio magico disegnato dalla

parola poetica, la realtà circostante non incombe, ma è come se vivesse in

una dimensione parallela.

Tema portante della silloge è senza dubbio l’amore: raramente questo

sentimento è balsamo per l’anima, al contrario esso è quasi sempre fonte di

tormento, dolori e disperazione, perché vissuto in modo estremo, senza porre

argini alla passione che incendia: “Dalle acque impetuose del passato, /

Il tuo volto / Emerge. / Tormenta le mie notti” (Il tuo volto). È una

guerra continua la ricerca del calore che scaldi l’animo dell’amante, della

strada per

“Entrare nel tuo cuore / Come in una casa abbandonata da

tempo” (Il tuo cuore). Ma i tentativi sembrano essere vani e allora ci si

ritrova “Infranta sugli effimeri vetri / Di un sogno perso negli abissi della

realtà” (Abissi), a recitare un monologo d’amore pieno di “vorrei”.

Altro genere di amore descritto nella raccolta è quello familiare, rap-

presentato come forma di affetto supremo. Le liriche in onore del padre e

la madre, “La mia salvezza / Nella disperazione” (Mamma), amati

incondizionatamente, sono tra le più commoventi della silloge: ora che l’au-

trice si vede adulta, donna, costretta a barcamenarsi nelle avversità che la

precipitano sul fondo del pozzo, le immagini dei genitori sembrano risplen-

dere di luce quasi divina nei ricordi.

L’amore infinito nei confronti del proprio bambino rende invece serenità

e appagamento:

Nel tuo volto, la mia vita.

Nella tua piccola mano solchi leggeri,

Nei teneri baci la mia pace.

Il tuo abbraccio è il mio rifugio!


(Il mio bambino)

Il dolore sembra essere a tratti il vero protagonista di questa raccolta,

compagno inseparabile di viaggio. Esso è subdolo, assume varie forme per

consumarci, sa mascherarsi anche a festa per illuderci e poi prostrarci:

Il dolore non ha nome,

Non ha tempo né spazio.

Striscia, si insinua, scivola dentro.


Il dolore ha potere

Domina, distrugge


(Il dolore)

A volte il dolore può arrivare a confondersi con la sensibilità stes-

sa, spesso evocata dall’autrice come un male piuttosto che un dono: essa

ci costringe continuamente a “sentire”, non permette la costruzione del

“Prezioso scrigno dell’indifferenza, / fortezza inattaccabile, / arma indi-

spensabile” (L’indifferenza) dietro cui sarebbe facile trincerarsi per non

“provare” più niente.

Non sono nata per vivere

Ma per sentire

Ascoltare il dolore

Come fosse musica,

Melodia che resta dentro.


(Mondo invisibile)

La poesia di Laura Mercurio Ebohon ha anche una fortissima com-

ponente evocativa: spesso un luogo, un suono lontano o un piccolo oggetto,

apparentemente insignificante, che entra d’improvviso nel campo visivo,

trasporta la mente verso lidi sopiti, ma mai dimenticati. Può essere una

panchina, un vecchio giardino, un biglietto d’auguri o una fotografia, ma

tutto ha l’effetto di immergere l’animo in quella felicità di esser tristi, detta


L’autrice chiude la silloge con una lirica estremamente ermetica: dopo

aver affrontato un dolorosissimo viaggio tra i suoi ricordi e i suoi affetti

spesso distrutti, sembra volgere il proprio sguardo “Oltre la vita” (Oltre),

quasi a cercare un senso ultimo al suo patire, una dimensione universale

di riscatto


Oltre la vita vivo

e ti sento cantare,

il Tuo abbraccio ci sostiene

il Tuo spirito ci guida.


Book review by Jim Bronyaur

Jim is a very talented writer-poet-musician. I am honored and grateful that he took time off from his very busy schedule to write and dedicate these beautiful and touching words to my book…  Thank You Jim ! One of his many interesting projects, is Soft Whispers Magazine an amazing online trendy space for writers and poets. FOllow Jim on Twitter

Jim’s review “This debut, beautiful book of poetry written by Laura Mercurio Ebohon opens with a subtle but powerful and timeless line: “I walk but I don’t where I’m going.” The line welcomes you, the reader, into Laura’s world but also begins a personal journey that you will take with each verse that has been penned to create this book. The book ends with “Beyond life, I live, I hear You singing. Your embrace supports us Your spirit guides us.” It ends with a peaceful closure like the end of a classic movie novel, you can’t help but stop, close the book, and tap it against your chin a few times as you reflect on the power of the verses and how a single person can move you. The book also travels the span of life. We’re born and we don’t know a thing. When we die, we’re moving on elsewhere and we look for that guidance to help. What happens in between birth and death is called life and the essence of life is captured in this book. Now I personally live three thousand miles away from Laura but through her words I feel like she is my neighbor. You’re not just reading words or even poems, you’re seeing her heart and soul on paper. And if that isn’t enough beauty, there is the translation in both English and Italian. The poetry is laid out in which one page is in Italian and one is in English. This is different but this is magical. To read the poetry in English and then be able to see it written in Italian makes this book truly a unique piece of work. Even the titles of the poetry welcome you right in. “Love Monologue”, “Mamma”, “Mystery”, “Abyss”, and “Tremors” just to name a few. Some of the poems tell a story – about life, love, loss, forgetting, remembrance. They show Laura’s ability to create a world in verses and make you feel your living the poem. Other poems are a true piece of Laura – her heart, her soul. Reading them, you feel her happiness, her sadness, her pain, and also her hope. And ultimately when you read this book, at the end of it all, you feel lifted. You feel hopeful. You feel that even in your worst days there is something waiting for you. I’ve never met Laura face to face but I feel like she is an old friend. And this is done only by words. Her words. Laura’s words. The words that are forever embedded in my mind with the likes of Poe, Frost, and Silverstein. “I walk but I don’t know where I’m going”. . . a verse that pulls the strings of my heart each time I read it or say it. A verse that carries me now. Trust me, this book will teach you how to look at yourself and see the beauty. . . If I look inside. . . by Laura Mercurio Ebohon. Hands down the BEST collection of poetry from a single author I’ve read in a long LONG time.” READ HER BOOK! It just came out – trust me, I’ve read Laura’s work and you will NOT be disappointed. . . she is a true poet! Jim Bronyaur Writer, Poet, Musician

More Reviews

Picture by Jennyablue

REGINA SAYS : ≈ “If I look inside is a brilliant book that has taken me into an emotional  journey making me feel a deep connection on each verse that was so beautifully put together and used to describe the authors feelings. Laura is a very talented author with so much depth making her mind & soul very interesting and intriguing to explore. I can’t wait to read some more of her sensational material, she’ll certainly leave her trace forever among humanity with her fantastic writing. Laura my beloved friend you are a treasure to the modern literature & I’m so glad to have had the immense honour to have our paths linked via destiny or any other divine power.”  ≈ ( Regina Aislin ≈ click here to read her blog, click here to join her FB page , click here to follow her on Twitter)

JACK SAYS : ≈ “I am a dedicated fan and admirer of Laura Mercurio Ebohon, as a person and as a poet. Her Italian-English Collection of poetry , “Se guardo dentro – If I Look Inside”,  is without a doubt my favorite recent read. Her verses are crisp and clear and the emotion comes spilling off the page. Well crafted, and razor sharp,  it resonates in any language as a broad spectrum reminder of what it means to be human. When reading it, as I have done several times now, I find myself traveling my own roads of memory and life, reliving the happy, sad, young, old, the love gained – and lost.  I am reminded that we are all not so different in the way we experience and feel life, but it takes a truly gifted poet like Laura to remind us.” ≈ ( Jack Varnell aka The Emotional Orphan ≈ click here to visit his website , click here to join his FB page click here to follow him on Twitter)

JENNY SAYS : ≈ “Laura’s poems are about love; that great emotion that grips our lives, that teaches, that pushes us around, from beginning to end. Love Monologue From one who loves peace, Laura’s soothing, universal words rise up to touch our senses; to guide those left behind. Within A haunting description, a tale of despair, meant as yearning for release. Free This poem finds an escape to the familiar, to conscious bearings. The sea is a constant source of wonder, to know what is possible. Life That Breaks I’m drawn to this poem in understanding, trust breaks, not by misdeed, perhaps, but in this case, by a twist and snap of finality. A Bench Words shared, a setting, a time, a moment repeated, after. Words released in a cathartic effort to bend time. Melodies Music holds us like lovers, I’ve said many times. Laura sings this here, melodically in her salubrious way with words.” ≈

One thought on “Books”

  1. Laura I love your work. Sometimes when I read your words my eyes brim with tears. I am walking with you – through the pain and into the depths of the Oneness. Thank you for writing from your tender heart. And thank you too for visiting my blog and liking my recent post. I always smile when I see you’ve popped by 🙂 Have a beautiful day. Michele

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